Course curriculum

    1. Learning objectives

    1. Introduction: Password generator challenge recap (5 minutes)

    2. Recapping code (10 minutes)

    3. Coding the password generator (20+ minutes)

    4. Sharing, testing and debugging (10 minutes)

    5. Evaluating programs (10 minutes)

    6. Review and wrap up (5 minutes)

    1. Support

    2. Stretch & challenge

    3. Opportunities for assessment

    1. Classroom slides

    2. Lesson plan

    3. .HEX files

    4. Coding support sheet

    5. Password generator evaluation

    1. What is Cyber Security?

    1. Lesson license

    2. Other credits

About this course

  • Free
  • 18 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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