Course curriculum

    1. Learning objectives

    1. Introduction: What is a password breach? (5 minutes)

    2. Guess the password (5 minutes)

    3. Why are strong passwords important? (10 minutes)

    4. Password generator challenge (10 minutes)

    5. Writing algorithms (20 minutes +)

    6. Testing and debugging algorithms (5 minutes)

    7. Review and wrap up (5 minutes)

    1. Support

    2. Stretch & challenge

    3. Opportunities for assessment

    1. Classroom slides

    2. Lesson plan

    3. Password generator planning sheet

    4. Password generator planning sheet (support)

    5. Password pseudocode example

    6. Malware or made up

    1. Making a Password Generator

    1. Lesson license

About this course

  • Free
  • 19 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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